Part of the solution: Providing info on services for men in Toronto

Yesterday morning I caught wind that U of T is going to be hosting an MRA speaker. A friend shared this lovely and daintily-written article on her wall (caution - it goes to A Voice for Men - if you don't want to give them page hits, then you might want to pass):

The baiting part is probably my favourite. This way if counter-protestors show up and are impolite, well by golly, we were "warned" and they can be as violent and vitriolic as they'd like because, heck, why not. If no one shows up, well by golly! They scared us all off! Success!

Not that they could ever hope to harness or emulate the awesome of Freddie Mercury's nipples.

Anyways, as fun as that all is, I've decided that since no one else was up to organizing a counter-presence, I'd arrange one myself. I was at that previous "infamous" counter-protest and I noted that one of the elements missing was an offering of tangible alternatives to people who may get sucked in by such speakers, so I thought I'd set up this event with a different tone and intent. 

From the Facebook event page:

Once again the U of T campus will be playing host to a speaker that relies on sexism and racism as scapegoats for some of the legitimate grievances that men in our society currently face, to forward their bigoted agenda. 
This article gives a thorough background on the speaker coming to campus: 
Information on the event here, that won't give their page undue hits (it still has info on the old location that has since been updated): 
It can be useful and cathartic to simply protest hate speech on campus, but we recognize that events like this so often take advantage of vulnerable people who are sincerely looking for answers. Let's make this counter-presence a productive one and provide as much information as we can gather and distribute to attendees. 
If anyone has contacts with organizations that support men in Toronto, please post links here to help us distribute them more effectively. Let's work together to make sure the men who are facing hardships are heard and actually given something tangible and constructive to walk away with.

Being reactive can be very useful and appropriate, but I personally want to build up a collection of resources so when these issues continually come to fore (and they will), we'll have some alternatives already on hand. And, just as importantly, if there are gaps in services (as there very likely are), this will give us a good way of finding out what those gaps are. Heck, we might even be able to get the participants at these events on board to help close those gaps and create or expand services within Toronto to support them.

For any readers, please let me know about what services you know of that are available for men in Toronto. I mean any services, such as addiction counselling, housing assistance, suicide intervention, support for survivors of sexual violence, court support, etc. If you know of services that are missing and needed, please let me know that, too. Let's use this opportunity to be productive and address these issues in a real way.


  1. We weren't ready for you losers last time but you can bet your bottom dollar we will be recording every move you make. It will be exposed for the world to see. The bigotry and sexism of feminism.
    Aw, how the spoiled feminists can't take criticism. You won't win. In fact, you've already lost.

    1. Anything constructive to offer in the way of supporting your male peers in Toronto?

    2. Yes, I do. If you have money get the hell out of the USA and Canada asap before the feminazi overlords take you for everything you have left. I'd say that western women aren't worth your money, your time, nor your freedom. If you can't leave, (I can't) then stand up to them exactly like we will tonight and did a few months ago. Those are the only options available.

  2. >Anything constructive to offer in the way of supporting your male peers in Toronto?

    Yes, move out of Canada. It's a festering hive of feminazi misandry.

    1. And is there some sort of bursary program you're aware of to help with the costs of moving for low-income folks? Some sort of practical assistance program for the move, or integration program for their new location to help set them up with housing and employment?

    2. Don't be bitter, you'll never attract a husband with your attitude.

    3. While I appreciate your concerns for me, the focus of this post is on how to support men and male-identified community members of Toronto. Are there any local supports and services you can recommend that can be passed along?

    4. What part of seeking services for men in need makes the author bitter?

  3. >Are there any local supports and services you can recommend that can be passed along?

    It's called a car. Get in it, men, and drive south and don't look back.

    1. What about for those who are unable to travel, either because of health issues, finances, they're unwilling or unable to leave their friends and families, or because of a variety of other complex issues? Can you advise of any supports available in Toronto for those folks?

  4. Sorry, Sweetheart. They're doomed. There are no support services for those poor men. You and your ilk get to pick their bones clean.

    1. Well, it's good to know about what services are unavailable as well. Is it transportation assistance that you'd like to see set up? A national public transit plan, perhaps, with an eye to supporting low-income men and those with mobility issues?

  5. "We weren't ready for you losers last time but you can bet your bottom dollar we will be recording every move you make. It will be exposed for the world to see. The bigotry and sexism of feminism.
    Aw, how the spoiled feminists can't take criticism. You won't win. In fact, you've already lost."

    Soooo, did you read the post at all? Do you have any resources to provide that might help men looking for services such as counseling, suicide intervention, etc? No? So, as an MRA, you're saying you're actually more interested in tearing down anything feminists say than in helping men? You really need to change the name of your movement because you're obviously not interested in helping men at all.

    1. Tearing down feminists is what helps men and, quite frankly, everyone else too. Feminism stand in the way. Get rid of the blockade and those services will be available to all. Feminism must die first.

    2. >Tearing down feminists is what helps men and, quite frankly, everyone else too.

      and now finally women are seeing through all this bullshit, too. feminism is a sinking ship that everyone is jumping off except the rats. it will soon be a ship at the bottom of the sea holding nothing but drowned rats... but at least the bottom-feeders will get few meals out of it, so it wasn't all for nothing.

    3. That's the best part. We need women on our side. The only way to ultimately destroy feminism is for women to turn their back on it in droves. It is already happening. There are many women who speak out against it and there will be more to come. It also blows up the feminist fallacy that we are anti-woman. We are anti-feminist. The two are not the same thing unlike feminism and anti-male which is the same thing.

  6. wow so basically you are condoning violence against men to shut them up!


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