SWTO2014 Countdown: What to wear, what to wear?

Tomorrow is the big day! SWTO2014: Who are you calling a slut?!

The question that comes up quite often from participants is "What should I wear?"

My go-to, copy & paste response is this:

SlutWalk does not require its participants to adhere to a certain dresscode in order to participate in our marches or events because we don't just support survivors who dress a certain way. We support office workers, we support fast-food workers, we support unemployed folks, we support independently wealthy folks who don't have to work, we support retired folks, we support sex workers, we support undocumented immigrants, we support trans*folk, we support upper-middle-class, white, heterosexual males.

We will not tell our participants to dress in business attire so as not to look like "sluts", because we support them even if someone deems them to look like "sluts". We will not tell our participants they have to dress like "sluts", because we know that people are slut-shamed and victim-blamed in every manner of clothing, and because we want participants to feel comfortable and empowered in whatever way they deem fit.

We support survivors of all ages, shapes, sizes, colours, ethnicities, gender-expressions, citizenship status, religions, etc., because we know that sexual violence permeates all of these areas and anyone can be a survivor and deserves to be free from victim-blaming, slut-shaming, and further violence.

 Now that we've got that information out of the way, what should *I* wear? The first year I wore a bridal gown and my wife wore a snazzy suit, but that march was held in the spring and was much cooler. In 2012, I wore knee-length shorts and a SlutWalk Toronto organizer t-shirt. I'm not sure where that t-shirt is now, though (we've moved too many times). I won't be strutting my stuff in a bikini or something similarly petite because my skin is so fair I'm liable to burst into flames.

This is a tough decision, y'all.


Solution: Batgirl.


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