Countdown to 3 Day Novel Contest continues

I'm more excited than a child counting down until Christmas or Halloween. For a couple months, now, I've had ants in my pants over this contest, and now it's fast-approaching this upcoming weekend!

I'm sending my partner out of town, I've let my friends and family know I shall be incommunicado, I've booked the boardroom in my apartment building for all 3 mornings, from 8:30am to 2pm, and I've started my lists of must to do's.

So, for those of you who are also participating or are still on the fence, here's my list of last-few-days to do's:
  1. Figure out what I'm going to write about - done
  2. Come up with a vague outline - if I start too detailed an outline, I'll have to suppress starting chapters, and that will just make me fall over and tantrum on the floor. I'd like to just have names, locations, and brief ideas as to where I'm going with this done before Friday midnight.
  3. Make meal plan so I can cook ahead of time and not have to worry about feeding myself all weekend
  4. Get groceries from said mealplan
  5. Make a booze plan - what can I say? I enjoy drinking and writing.
  6. Get booze from said booze plan - I've already got a bottle of newfie blackberry wine. Now I need a bottle of sparkling wine that I can pop the cork on to celebrate my success (or drown my failure)
  7. Come up with a brief plan of wordcounts; where I wanna be by when on each day - I may not be able to make all the deadlines, but they'll help keep me on track and give me an extra push if I start falling behind
  8. Figure out an appropriate music playlist that will help feed the moods I need for the story - I can't be wasting precious time on the weekend browsing Youtube for music after finding out half my playlists have been removed due to copyright violations.
  9. Make sure the apartment is cleaned spotless by midnight Friday so that I can't waste time on chores.
  10. Get the office ready, because I need a formal work space to survive this. Lounging in the Laz-E-Boy in front of the tv really won't do.
  11. Get the lazies out and surf on Thursday until my eyeballs fall out and I have no further desire to spend anymore time on the internet at all ever - it's a good idea in theory, right?
Well, hopefully my anticipation of this event will mean I'm ready to hit the ground running on Friday at midnight.

Wish me luck!


  1. Hey Damsel
    Looking good - prep wise!

    I'm making the same sort of list today.

    ONWARD! -p

    1. So soon! Tomorrow I'm gonna post a countdown of the hours, just to further freak us all out.

  2. Love this list! I also need to grab the groceries and booze, and extract a promise from my hubby not to drink and eat it all without me, heh. As far as music, have you ever used Spotify? It's a great program that streams music for free and allows you to build and share playlists. There is a huge selection of music, both classic and modern.

    I'm quite curious as to what sort of playlist you're putting together. I've already started working on my playlist for 3DNC. Feel free to check it out, and share one of your own! Lucidica Playlist

    1. I'd never heard of Spotify. I'm def going to have to check that out. :D

      I'm going to put together a few different ones, because I can't decide on a tone for the book. One playful (i.e, Supergrass & Cindy Lauper, etc.), one sexy (i.e., Poe & Janet Jackson, etc), one dark & anxious (i.e., Gravity Kills, Nine Inch Nails, etc.). I can't narrow the darned thing down until I start writing! Gah!

    2. Spotify doesn't work in Canada. :(

  3. Great post! Thanks for sharing it. I'm in the middle of working through my list too! You are smart to remove all possible ways of procrastinating. Lord knows I looked for every possible way to avoid writing the first year I did this contest. LOL!!

    Good luck and happy writing!

    1. Thanks. When I tried 3DNC 2 years ago I found myself doing a lot of chores. Live & learn, my friend. Live & learn.

  4. Food list: Only one thing needed--beanie-weenie. Making a massive vat, then just eating out of that all weekend.

    Booze List: 450 bottles of wine in the basement. I'm good.

    Music List: Pandora's "Spaceship Music" channel.

    Now, if only I had a plot....

    1. I've got a finicky palate, so I can't deal with eating the same thing for 3 days. Gotta switch it up so I don't spend time staring longingly into the fridge & cupboards for hours on end.

  5. Having sent in my entry, I am now in the midst of my post-contest let down. Sometime around November my 3-day anxiety will start and last to the winners are posted. If I don't at least get honorable mention there'll also be the 3-day depression.


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