Mealtime: Szechuan tofu, garlic shrimp, noodles and rice.

This was my roommate's post. It's a good meal in that it's tasty and easily thrown together with whatever's on hand. So, it's also lazy. Yay!

As you shall soon come to expect from this blog, we don’t exactly measure things out when we cook. It’s more of a “toss somethin in an hope it works” methodology. …or, at least that’s how I do it. This may be a tricky recipe to recreate, as there is a lot of specialty ingredients involved, as well as some prepackaged stuff. So, its kind of like cheating, but we added enough extra stuff to it to make it something special.
What you shall require:

Should you try to recreate this meal, you’ll require a couple things. Sesame Sees Oil, Noodles (FARKAY chinese noodles if you can find em) Basmati Rice, frozen brocoli, a green and orange bell pepper, three red Thai chili peppers, and because its us, a nearly poisonous amount of garlic.

To start off, we discovered that it is probably a better idea to start de-frosting the frozen shrimp before you start cooking. So, you may want to learn from the multiple errors I was responsible for in the course of this meal.

Phase 1:

Preppin the veggies! We started off by dicing a half a clove of garlic and chopping up some green onions and set them aside for later. I cut the peppers pretty basic, into strips, then cut them into halves. I was overjoyed to see that inside the small orange pepper I dissected, was growing tiny smaller green peppers! It was a very exciting discovery for me. After my giddy mini-pepper induce joy subsided, I chopped up three Thai chili’s, and cut up three carrots.

Phase 2:

The Noodles.

We made both noodles and rice not knowing if there would be enough noodles to go around, as we were serving 5 people. As it turns out, there was well more then enough noodles, so I shall leave it up to you to decide which would make a better addition.

While you’re waiting on the shrimp to thaw out, get yourself a nice big pot, and fill it with about 5-6 cups of water. Now, this part may be tricky, as I just kinda eyed out the measurements as I tossed stuff into the water. First off I added what may roughly be considered 2-3 tbsp’s of SesAme Seed oil, a couple shakes of chili flakes, and then I shook in some garlic flakes and onion powder.

While waiting for the water to boil, next we started on the basmati rice: 2 cups rice to 4 cups water in a pot with a dash of salt, cover and heat on high until they start to boil, then turn down to 2 to simmer.

Phase 3:

When the water started to boil, I put the entire pack of Farkay Noodles in. (Probably the first fail of my cooking endeavor, as we cooked WELL more noodles than we ever would have needed)

While those where cooking, Nat oiled the pan, adding the frozen brocoli until it started to warm up, and proceeded to mix in the pre chopped up veggies once they started to green up, In went the Szechuan tofu! I wont lie, it felt like I was cheating, as it was prepackaged, an all that we had to do was pour it in, and mix it up with the veggies, but it was still awesome. While we let that simmer, we moved on to the shrimp!

Phase 4:

After the much awaited thawing of the shrimp, it was finally time to put it the frying pan! To double the FABulousness of our kitchen, we added a virtually toxic amount of garlic, and the Thai Chili’s! Now, we absolutely love spicy food, and usually the spicier the better. However you may want to not quite use as many chili’s or spicy stuffs as we did. The Szechuan Tofu itself was a lot spicier than I had intended it to be… so adding a ton of chilis to it probably wasnt all that smart.

After this however, basically just let the shrimp cook up for about 5ish minutes, and then Ta-da! You plate it, and enjoy the EPIC awesome that was this meal.

So, emulate, improve upon, and enjoy! (And send me pics. I loooove food pics)
